
On one fine day, you suddenly experienced some nasty chunks of yellowish white in color coming out from your throat and worried about what exactly they are.

So what exactly are these nasty chunks that sometimes come from your throat?

These are most likely to be Tonsilloliths, in simple words Tonsil Stones. Tonsil stones are hard calcified masses formed within the tonsils. Most people with tonsil stones don’t even realize they have until it becomes infected or sometimes comes from your throat as nasty chunks.


How are these stones formed in the tonsils?

Tonsils have uneven irregularities which act like pockets, these are called tonsillar crypts. These crypts start collecting saliva, dead cells and food particles which bacteria and fungi start growing on them. This debris eventually hardens to calcified masses which we call as tonsil stones. Most common reason for this debris to accumulate in the tonsil is to have very bad oral hygiene, to have large sized tonsils, to have a long standing tonsil infection which hasn’t been treated.


What are the symptoms of tonsil stones?

  • Foul Smelling Breath-

Tonsil stones harbours many anaerobic bacterias which produce volatile sulphur compounds which produce this foul smelling breath. This is one of the most common symptoms of patients with tonsil stones.

  • Yellowish white hard mass seen on the tonsil
  • Throat pain-

your throat might feel sore or heavy. During infection of the tonsil there will be difficulty in swallowing too.

  • Stones coming out of your throat-

These nasty chunks sometimes come out of your throat when large in size but it is rare though.

  • Ear Pain-

Sometimes they can cause pain or slight discomfort in your ears .

  • Swollen Tonsils-

Your tonsils can get enlarged if these stones are stuck inside these tonsillar crypts for too long and even cause infections.


What are the complications of tonsil stones ?

Tonsil Stones rarely cause any major complications, but some of them include-

  • Tonsil infection which can lead to pus formation
  • These bacterias on the tonsil stones can lead to dental caries and gum diseases.
  • Enlarged tonsils will cause difficulties in swallowing.


How do you treat these nasty chunks coming out of your teeth?

  • Salt water gargling vigorously and regularly helps you remove the small stones from tonsils easily.